Drug rehab in Colorado


“What is the story behind the buffalo?”

When a storm is coming over the horizon, most animals turn and run the other way in attempt to escape it.  The cow, for instance, being too slow to outrun the storm, will get caught in its core and expend much  time and energy only to keep itself stuck in the downpour.

The buffalo, however, is unique in responding to the challenge of the storm. Unlike any other animal, the buffalo will turn to face the storm and charge directly into it. While this may seem counterintuitive, in facing the storm head on, the buffalo is able to make it through the storm quickly and spend less time suffering the adversity it brings.

We love the story of the buffalo because it reminds us of the work we do at Momenta. Like the cow, our pasts are full of attempts to escape pain of our trauma. Survival instincts have dictated that the only way to manage life was to use substances to run and hide from its storms. At Momenta, we summon the courage to transform our thinking patterns and face trauma directly. We become the buffalo—pushing through fear so that we can move through trauma, rather than remain in the storm and suffer.


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