Finding Our Way

Finding Our Way

April 2023

Impulsivity is not our friend.  We frantically followed our impulses to self-destructive extremes. Even those painful actions of the past were motivated, at the end of the day, by a spiritual search. What did we really seek in the bottle, in another all-nighter, or in work? Slowing down enough every day to let ourselves know what we are looking for gives us a much better chance of finding it.

Today, we can slow down by taking time for solitude and quiet, for meditation or prayer. We can call a friend simply for a moment of connection. We might read something to give ourselves some ideas to ponder, we can listen to music that will take us to a peaceful and curious place. Perhaps we can simply walk more slowly from our car to our home. Often it is not the events in our lives that change, but the space between events. Slowing down can help us find what we are looking for. Being mindful each moment in looking for opportunities to be of service to another human or a four legged and to always lead with love.

It has taken me decades of living to realize the greatest gifts reside in the moments in between. It’s not the holidays, the events, the race itself. Rather the moments in between. One of my favorite things each day is heading outside our Rocky Mountain sanctuary we are gifted to call home and stare at the stars. The vastness of it all causes me every time to realize I’m but a spec of dust in the snails behind, in front of me. It makes me feel alive.

Finding our way means slowing down and becoming more and more comfortable within our own skin. Recognizing that each new day is a gift just waiting to be unwrapped, to be discovered. My hope and intention is to connect, to listen, and to be in a continuous mindset that indicates that I’m seeking new understanding within each moment. From there, I will find my way to making great memories of our short time here together.