Director of admissions

Tell us a little about yourself:

I graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in fine art but have always been drawn to the psychology field. I grew up in the Roaring Fork Valley and have always found peace in our beautiful natural surroundings. I’m a passionate foodie and cook, deeply love all things centered around creativity, and avid animal lover. Those who know me would call me a warrior; I will always fight hard for the things in which I believe. I’m fiercely loyal to those I love, and see the quality of my relationships as a major key to my happiness.

What's your favorite part about what we do at Momenta?

I love the way that Momenta focusses on the internal struggles and shared experiences of our clients, and how these things lead to maladaptive coping mechanisms. I am proud of the way we lead with love, non-judgment, and authenticity. I have never known a team of more gifted clinicians or loving staff members than those I have the privilege of working with here every day. I find that doing something you are passionate about turns a job into something far more meaningful. I am grateful to find purpose in my daily work.  

What inspires you?

I am inspired by people who use their past experiences to help others, those with the capacity to be vulnerable, and individuals who are constantly striving to learn and grow with every passing day. I gravitate toward those that are unapologetically themselves—those grounded in authenticity.

What do you do when you're not working?

When I’m not working you can find me outside, usually in or near a body of water.  I also love to paint and draw, do home improvement projects, and in the summer spend time with my mom in her vegetable garden. Outside of work you’ll always find me with my constant companion, my dog, Mila.

What's something about you that not many people know?

One thing about me that not many people know is that I have had my own battles with trauma and addiction.  My recovery journey began at Momenta, where I learned to find and engage my authentic self, reclaim my joy, and reconnect with the world around me in a profound way.